Workshop: Mallorca with Janina and Ines 02.05.2016 to 06.05.2016
Beginning of May, or more precisely from 2.5.2016 to 6.5.2016, I will give two workshops on the beautiful spanish island Mallorca. Together with two of my favorite models you will get the opportunity to capture expressive and unique pictures in gorgeous surroundings, improve your photographic skills on sensual portrait photography and especially enjoy the wonderful balearic island and the mediterranean sea during spring time.
May is a great month to visit Mallorca. The climate is just prefect, not too warm as in the summer time, and the island is not jet overcrowded. So get a few days off from work, allow yourself a short vacation and some relaxing days, have fruitful discussions with other passionate photographer, enjoy your creativity and get back home with tons of great and some really stunning pictures.
The workshops will be limited to 6 participants. So everyone will have more than enough time for individual shootings with each model and to get intensive support and mentoring if needed.
With Janina and Ines we have two beautiful, expressive and very pleasant models to work with during our 2 or 4 days journey across the island.
2.5.2016 – 3.5.2016 (1st course) One place left!
5.5.2016 – 6.5.2016 (2nd course) Sold out 🙂
one course 490€ (2 days)
both courses 920€ (4 days)
There will be two courses from 2.5.2016 to 3.5.2016 (1st course) and from 5.5.2016 to 6.5.2016 (2nd course). You can book one course for 490€ or both courses for 920€. The courses will not be identical and will take place at different locations and therefore deal with different aspects and photographic challenges.
We will focus on how to create beautiful, fascinating and sensual pictures with natural light. How to put expression, depth and mood in a composition. And how to interact with the model to create stunning and unique photographs. We will shoot at the beach, take pictures in cosy little mediterranean towns and play around with light at our idyllic old farmhouse.
What you need to bring is an aps-c or full frame camera with fast lenses, a reasonable knowledge of your camera and a lot of passion and enthusiasm for photography.
Included: model fee
Not included: Accommondation, travel expense, food
Max. 6
Mallorca, Spain.
But you can also adress all your questions to me in German 😉
You have two options:
1.You can book a room in our beautiful Finca close to Pollença
There are two rooms availible. The price is 50€ per night. You can only book the whole week from 1.5.2016 to 7.5.2016.
Please note that there is no service available in this cottage and you need to share the bathroom. But there is a big beautiful pool, a spacious kitchen and the Finca is nicely situated in the north-east of the island, far away from mass tourism.
Furthermore, I can offer you a lift in our car to take you around during the shootings.
2.You book a hotel room (link), bed and breakfast place (link) or something else on your own.
In this case you need to be mobile (have a car) to meet us at the shooting locations or our Finca. If you don’t like to rent you own car, I can try to get you in contact with other workshop participants, so that you can find someone else to share a car and split the cost.
Sample pictures
The following gallery shows either Ines or pictures of Chloé taken on Mallorca.
Via E-Mail
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Hello. Great work ! A love it 🙂
Best regards
freu mich auf die infos der Workshops
I like the work, I would like to be informed about all the new things. As an amateur I want to learn from you.
Glad you like my pictures. Please subscribe to my Newsletter: 🙂
Hi Florian,
I ‘d like to ask if you have some free place for your Workshop in Mallorca?
Best regards
Hallo Florian,#
ich wäre für mein Leben gern dabei, aber zu der Zeit bin ich in den USA. Bitte informiere mich über spätere WSs. Ich wäre gern dabei.
Herzliche Grüßer