Lilly was by far the youngest model I have ever worked with, but certainly not the most inexperienced. According to her portfolio, she had several quite different shootings before we met. However, I was somehow concerned that she might become impatient when things go a little bit slower with film, so I took my digital to show her a few of our first shots. But my worries were completely unfounded. She was just great – uncomplaining, pleasant and very open-minded.
Beside my digital, we took a Leica M7 (0.95/50), a Nikon F4 (1.8/105), a Contax 645 (2/80), a few Fuji Acros, some Kodak TriX and a lot of Portra 160 with us. Portras would do perfect with Lilly’s light skin and the afternoon sun, I thought.
But the sun didn’t last for long. Fortunately we already had a few good shots before the mild summer storm came up which brought our shooting to an early end. Right before this happened, I asked Lilly for a last few shots for which she shouldn’t consider the rising wind as a bunch of annoying air, but as a friend to enjoy and play with. She did and out came my two favorite images of this day which I like to start and end with.
Love all you series a lot, but I think this one is my favorite so far. Very simple surroundings, but sooooo beautiful 🙂
Your model is a really gorgeous young lady. I guess I love 29 most. Very direct and expressive.
Wonderful serie as always 🙂
I’m found of your portraits.
I am really impressed with the quality of your work !
Very well done. Excellent ! 🙂
Thank you for all you so kindly share with us … ♥
Your work with Lilly is most enchanting!!
Have a wonderful day and weekend Florian Weiler …
And if you’d like to write, I would cherish the opportunity.
~ emma 🙂
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs Florian. Many photographers think that it is a simple matter to take a beautiful girl and a camera and end up with good pictures, but your photographs show that there is a lot more to it and that there must be, above all, a trusting relationship between artist and model. This comes through clearly in your photographs of Lilly, which are at once powerful and tender.
These are absolutely gorgeous… the light, the mood, the setting, everything about them, and the talent really shines through